The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding. — Leonardo Da Vinci
My mission is to show students the boundary of textbook knowledge. I want to help teach students to be great designers, confident in building, skilled in making tradeoffs, and visionary in their engineering solutions. I want them to succeed by helping them develop skills to observe, model, analyze, design, synthesize, build, test, and debug. I draw from my academic, research, and industry experiences to embolden students to learn and build connections to real-world engineering systems where observations often do not equal “classroom” expectations.
I love to construct demos for my classes so that students can see the concept in action. Here is an example of a demo that helps students visualize traveling magnetic field:
You can also check my teaching studio here that I used during the pandemic:
ECE 298 – Solar Car (Spring 2019**, Fall 2019*, Spring 2020*)
The course objective is to show students early in their curriculum that a multidisciplinary understanding is essential to create a complex system. UIUC’s own Solar Car “Argo” is taken as an example. The course covers high-level aspects of the design, construction, analysis, and economics of solar-powered electric vehicles. Understanding the business and operations side of running a solar car team emboldens students as they start putting the hat of an entrepreneur. Topics bridge a variety of engineering disciplines integrated together with business to present a cohesive overview highlighting the complexity of solar-powered vehicles. Students have the unique opportunity to work with the Illini Solar Car Team to build the next solar car.
ECE 330 – Power Circuits and Electromechanics (Spring 2017*, Spring 2020**, Fall 2020**)
More details here.
ECE 464 – Power Electronics (Fall 2017*, Fall 2018**, Fall 2019*)
More details here.
ECE 469 – Power Electronics Laboratory (Fall 2017, Fall 2018**, Fall 2019*)
More details here.
ECE 568 – Modeling and Control of Electromechanical Systems (Spring 2021)
More details here.
ECE 598 – Power Electronics Converter and Control (Spring 2019**)
This course introduces modeling, analysis, and design of electromechanical energy conversion systems from a simultaneous perspective of power electronics, electromechanics, and control. We take a hands-on approach. Theories are discussed in lectures and are implemented in real-world laboratory setups. Three-phase power-electronic converters are introduced that are specifically designed for machine drives. Dynamic models of different types of electrical machines are developed using generalized theory of machines. Finally, different control architectures and their impact on the dynamic performance of the drive are discussed. “Real-world” examples from many existing and emerging applications including electric vehicles, renewable energy systems, and high-power and high-performance industrial drives are used to show the need for interdisciplinary understanding from a system perspective.
* appeared on the List of Teachers Ranked As Excellent by their Students; ** along with the distinction of being ‘outstanding’.